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Polistar is the official distributor of Papirna Moudry

In the assortment of the Polistar company, in addition to threads and yarns, there is also a large selection of high-quality and effective products against pests: sticky tapes against flies and moths, traps for cockroaches and crawling insects, rodent traps, non-toxic glue for catching mice.

Our company is an official distributor of the Czech company Papirna Moudry, whose best-known products are Panther Original and Ecostripe fly tapes, Ferokap moth tapes, and Ratrap mouse glue. When buying these products from us, you always receive only the original with a 100% quality guarantee.

Let's talk about each of these products.

SilverBand trap
This is a one-sided adhesive belt that folds into a triangular house and provides effective capture of sugar scale.
Traps for cockroaches and insects
We offer traps from cockroaches and crawling insects of any shape and design according to the customer's requirements. The glue used in the trap contains a food bait to increase the effectiveness of the exposure.
Adhesive trap-book RataBook
A very effective trap in the form of a book, intended for catching rodents, as well as crawling insects - cockroaches and ants. It can be used everywhere, it does not contain poison, and for increased attractiveness you can add bait to the adhesive base.
Sticky tapes for flies
This is an adhesive belt, which is effective for all types of insects of this species. The instant adhesiveness and stickiness ensure that the fly is caught even with a weak contact with the glue.
FeroBand sticky strip with pheromones
A one-sided adhesive belt with a pheromone lure ensures the effective capture of males of 4 types of food moths: grain moth, mill moth, dried fruit moth and collar moth. Pheromone traps are effective and easy to use.
Trap RataBand
A very effective glue-trap for crawling insects that can be used everywhere - in kitchens, canteens, warehouses and similar places. The trap is non-toxic, does not contain poison and does not pose a danger to the environment.
RaTrap non-toxic glue
The glue is intended for catching rodents, primarily mice and also crawling insects.

For details and processing of wholesale orders, please write to your personal manager or call: +38 050 374 51 11
The catalog of all products of this category can be found at the link: