The trap can be used in all places where the presence of sugar scales is provided, namely: in places of food storage, in dark places such as barns or warehouses, and especially in places with high humidity, such as bathrooms or toilets. The trap does not contain insecticides, but catches and destroys insects only physically. The adhesive surface does not dry out, which means that the trap acts until it is completely covered with insects.

Traps against cockroaches and crawling insects can be used wherever cockroaches and other species of crawling insects poison human life, namely: in the kitchen, dining rooms, warehouses and other rooms of this kind.
The trap is extremely easy to use. It is only necessary to remove the protective layer from the adhesive surface, fold the trap into the house and place it on the floor in the place of the alleged accumulation of insects.
The trap is especially effective against the following species of insects: black cockroach (Blatta orientalis), red cockroach, cockroach (Blattella germanica).

The trap is extremely easy to use. It should be removed from the package and opened like a book, folded into a tunnel and placed in places where pests are suspected, but away from children and pets. After use, you only need to close it and throw it in the trash.

Sticky tape has an adhesive belt on the back with red protective foil to attach the trap to the window glass. Traps are made of two types: without printing and with color drawing. A trap that is effective for all types of insects flying in window openings.

This type of trap is suitable for use in the house, where the use of classic adhesive tape against flies is impossible or undesirable. All you have to do is remove the protective paper from the adhesive strip and the trap is ready for use. The trap can be rolled into a ring and glued to the surface outside or inside or just hang somewhere.
The glue does not dry, and the product itself is made of durable and high quality materials, which are most often noted by consumers when using the product.

Fly tape is safe, effective and very easy to use. Thanks to the shiny surface of the adhesive part of the product, it is even more attractive to flies. Together with the research department of the Slovak Academy of Sciences, the Czech company Papirna Moudry has created an adhesive resistant to high temperatures and ultraviolet radiation, with long durability and maximum instant tack. Only minimal contact of insects with the adhesive is sufficient to stick. Another bait is no longer needed.
The big advantage of this product is the ease of use and the possibility of immediate application. The product can be placed anywhere or hung by the hook included in the kit. To increase the effectiveness of the product, you can add an auxiliary bait, such as honey or syrup, to the lower plastic cap. The glue does not dry out and acts until it is completely covered with insects.

The advantage of this trap is the simple way it is applied. The trap can be hung in any place with a hook or string, it is small and economical due to its size. The adhesive belt can attract moths from a distance, so one trap is sufficient for a room of 500 m3. The effectiveness of the bait for food moths has been proven both by tests in the laboratory and by use in practice. The purpose of the trap is to stop the reproduction of moths and prevent the appearance of its larvae.

The trap is an effective and easy to use tool for monitoring the presence of clothes moths and trapping male Tieola bisselliella. Thus, the reproduction of moths and the damage to clothing and other fabric products from the larvae stops.
The trap can be hung from a hook or string or placed where moths are suspected to be present. The trap is small and economical in size. This sticky belt is able to attract moths from a distance, and one trap is effective for 3 months.

Pheromone traps are used to monitor and signal the presence of moths. They are very easy to use. Remove the protective paper from the adhesive surface and the trap is ready for use. With the help of these pheromone traps, moth reproduction is stopped and thus the appearance of larvae is prevented. Installing a pheromone trap does not pose a direct threat to adult moths, but leads to the fact that its larvae will cease to appear. The trap is effective for at least 6-8 weeks.
The food moth trap is an effective protection against males of the following types of moths: grain moth (Ephestia elutella), mill moth (Ephestia kuehniella), fruit moth (Ephestia cautella), barn moth (Plodia interpunctella).
The clothes moth trap is effective for males of the species: Clothes moth (Tineola bisselliella).
Traps from food moths are most often made in the form of flat strips. Printing and packaging are in accordance with customer requirements. For clothes moths, we recommend closed-type traps, for example, in the form of a house. This product design will help protect clothing from contact with the adhesive surface of the trap.

The roll of the adhesive belt can be unfolded to the required length, or the entire length completely, and it is best to hang under the ceiling. The adhesive belt is made of high-quality semi-silicone paper so that the adhesive tape is easy to unfold and the glue remains only on the side of the adhesive belt. The paper is strong and does not tear when unwinding.
The glue does not dry and contains an effective bait for houseflies (Musca domestica). And the design of the trap with a print of flies attracts them even more, increasing efficiency of product.

The trap is extremely easy to use. It is only necessary to remove the protective layer from the adhesive strip, fold the trap into the house and place it on the floor in places where insects are expected to be present, but protecting it from children and pets. In this form, the trap is ready for use.

The traps are easy to use. It should be removed from the package, the protective paper removed from the adhesive surface and the trap placed on the floor in places where insects and rodents are expected to congregate. Thus the trap is ready to use. After use, it can be disposed of in household waste.

The key parameter is the quality of the glue. The glue is made so that the adhesive force does not prevent the belt from being easily pulled out of the sleeve, and its instant adhesive power and stickiness ensure that the fly is trapped even with weak contact with the glue. The viscosity of the adhesive is adjusted so that the adhesive does not drip onto the floor in case of a wide temperature range. Our bait, designed to trap the housefly (Musca domestica), has a highly effective attraction effect. The effectiveness of the adhesive is regularly tested, which is why our sticky fly tapes are the most effective in comparison with competitors.
The Ecostripe adhesive belt, due to its length and width, has the largest effective area in the world. Length is an important performance criterion, as flies have been found to swarm the belt from below.
Buying these products from us, you always get only the original with a 100% quality guarantee. In addition to sticky tapes and glue, the range also includes other products manufactured by Papirna Moudry.

Double-sided sticky tape with pheromone bait, which provides effective capture of four species of food moth: grain (Ephestia elutella), mill (Ephestia kuehniella), dried fruit (Ephestia cautella) and collar (Plodia interpunctella). Moreover, the product also contains bait for reliable catching of houseflies (Musca domestica).
The product is a classic fly adhesive tape to which a food moth pheromone is added. The pheromone gradually evaporates from the adhesive surface and attracts male food moths. The attractiveness and efficiency of the product has been proven by laboratory tests and practical use. The purpose of the trap is to stop the moth from reproducing and prevent the appearance of larvae in food. The use of the trap does not guarantee the extinction of the adult moth, but ensures the removal of larvae.

The glue is designed to catch rodents, especially mice and also crawling insects. The glue should be applied on a flat waterproof substrate of different materials, such as cardboard, plastic foil, wooden board and more. From glue it is necessary to form a monolithic surface in the size of 20х20 cm.
The glue contains a food bait that attracts rodents and crawling insects. The glue is made so that the ratio of stickiness and adhesive strength was adjusted so that the glue catches insects well, but it can be easily squeezed out of the tube. The adhesive is resistant to sunlight, which usually causes rapid degradation in products of this type. Our glue retains its functions in direct sunlight for a long time compared to the competition.